Check new extension pack has been installed or not using command: $ vboxmanage list extpacks Successfully installed "Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack"Ħ. Go to the location where you've downloaded the Extension pack and install it using commands: $ cd Downloads/ $ sudo vboxmanage extpack install Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-5.0.4-102546.vbox-extpack Once you removed all extension packs, download the latest extension pack from the Oracle VirtualBox site. Please note that you have to run the command sudo vboxmanage extpack uninstall until you got the "Extension packs" result as 0.ĥ. Check if all extensions have been properly removed using command: $ vboxmanage list extpacks Successfully uninstalled "Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack".Ĥ.

Now, remove the VirtualBox extensions using command: $ sudo vboxmanage extpack uninstall "Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack" Then, I reinstall the package libecore1 with command: $ sudo apt-get install -reinstall libecore1ģ. First, install packagekit using command: $ sudo apt-get install packagekitĢ. Fix 'Failed to install the Extension pack' error in Ubuntuġ.

I searched on the Ubuntu forums and found a workaround to fix this problem. It seems the libcore package might be deleted after uninstalling Moksha desktop. Failed to install th Extension pack error in Ubuntu Linux